
In this page, we deal with the communications between the EV3 and hardware devices related to programming aspects of the applications.

About EV3 communications

Student report TER 2018-2018 [Rapport_TER_Fortin_Brohan] (in french)

consult the Communication Developer Kit


See the page of Dr. Aegidius Plüss


The USB connection is the more practical during the design, programming and testing of EV3 applications. Unfortunately this is the one that is the more tedious due to the driver diversity for USB/IP. It is therefore the one that causes the most problems for students whether it is for Linux, Windows (7 or 10) or MacOS.

Connection EV3 to PC via USB

driver RNDIS

local version here and proceding manual that worked on many Windows 10 computers


To set a Wifi connection we need a Wifi dongle plugged on the USB port of the EV3 brick.

[Configuring Wifi]

Manuel de configuration wifi d’un EV3 avec leJOS (Brohan/Fortin) in french


The Bluetooth connection can be seen in the [Using the Menu System] page.

Manuel de configuration bluetooth d’un EV3 avec leJOS (Brohan/Fortin) in french

Connexion avec EV3 dev

Legodroid (git)

Legodroid is a tiny Java library for Android with educational purposes, aimed at writing programs for LEGO Mindstorms in a simple and straightforward way (article).